This weekend has been funfunfun, my dear brother Lawnce came to visit me in Guadalajara and we danced danced danced with my lovely friends. On sunday Lawnce & I took 4 different busses to get to my moms place in Chapala where we are going to celebrate christmas. It is so beautiful here in Vista del lago (view of the lake), the biggest lake in Mexico. I wish I could go for a swim, but you know.. this world we are living in.. the contamintaion is not so good for you... but, it's beautiful to look at so it's ok.
day 14 I can't believe it, 2 weeks and it feels like an eternity. It's sinking in, Im adapting extremely quick to this enviorment, my new reality.. I love it. As they say; home is where the heart is.
day 8 Yes, it's been 8 days since I decided to leave everything behind me, everything I ever loved and hated. I took a huge risk and now I am experiencing actual freedom for the first time in my life and it feels fucking great.
The same day I decided to stay I met a very special person, a beautiful girl (anapau, the girl that appears in most of the photos) and she was looking for a roomie to her beautiful apartment in the center of Guadalajara. PERFECT!!!! and here I am. Happy. Though still in emotions about leaving my beloved brothers and friends, my company and my home. But I had to it for myself, it's something I have always wanted to do.. and I took the chance. FREEDOM=HAPPINESS
Celebrating my new roomie's bday and my moving in this whole weekend, it's been crazy.