Saturday, April 24, 2010


I must say that I'm impressed with Sverker, he actually painted the zebra stripes himself on his jacket with a permanent marker!

Monday, April 19, 2010

19 April, 1988

Aries & Dragon
I promised my funkylicious Belli I would update my blog more often, so why not. Today is my birthday and I have spent it with my brothers and since they are the best they invited me tacos (at the only real mexican restaurant in Sweden!) and HOMEMADE cheesecake! I would say it was the perfect b-day.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sparkling fireworks

Lucky for me I just happened to be holding my camera outside on the balcony one night in Puerto Vallarta, when beautiful giant colorful fireworks suddenly started shooting out of nowhere! You just gotta love those moments..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

dramatic or what?

I believe it's just something running through our veins.. or is it just an illusion? However, I would like to recreate that. It's nothing I want to be a part of anymore.

photo: Are Saltveit 09

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sad, sad story....

... that I forgot my battery charger for my camera in a hotel in Mexico, I tried to get it back but apparently they didnt find it... The worst part is that Im going to have to wait a while to get a new one, aaaahhhhh, I just feel like crying....... oh well, if I blink a little with my puppy eyes I hopefully get to borrow my brothers camera hehe.

Here are some old photos in the meanwhile, pics from our little film shoot in Paris.

photo: Emanuel Grau Sundström 09

Monday, April 5, 2010

confused and suprised at the same time

I know why, but I still don't understand how. Sometimes I wonder if I really make the right choices, but since everything happens for a reason Im assuming I do, trying not to think about it. But offcourse everything is relative. So, it's time to leave everything behind me and be present!

Oh, and this song is amazing.